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5 Ways To Become An All-Rounder In Business

Ways to become an all-rounder in business. Becoming successful in business is about developing a series of regular habits that will make you more effective, spot opportunities, and avoid mistakes. See more! Let’s look at five habits that can help you become more successful in the all-rounder business.

1. Never Stop Learning

Never Stop Learning

While you may have mastered your niche, it’s essential to keep learning new skills which will further enhance your effectiveness, allowing you to contribute more to your company. The business landscape is constantly being disrupted by new technology and the emergence of new markets – so only by learning about these can you really stay top of your game.

How to keep learning
There are numerous actions you can take to keep learning about business. These include:

  • Subscribe to sector-relevant newsletters. Whatever sector you work in, make sure you stay up to date by subscribing to a range of newsletters related to your niche for insights and training.
  • Read widely and specifically. Consider subscribing to a high-quality business publication such as the Harvard Business.
  • Review or The Economist. You should also sign up for local news too.

2. Get Up To Scratch With Data Analysis

Get Up To Scratch With Data Analysis


It’s no longer enough to be digital-literate. In an era of Big Data and machine learning, it’s going to be more important than ever to develop your digital skills and knowledge, yet employees are simply not prepared for this digital era.

How to enhance your digital skills

There are extensive online resources, normally free or low-cost, which can teach you almost any digital skill. Popular sites. Spend a little time every day learning modules on these sites and you’ll soon feel confident dealing with basic programming, coding, and data analysis.

3. Set Targets

Set Targets


It sounds simple, yet setting targets is a powerful way of improving your business and your personal effectiveness. By developing goals, you give yourself something to aim for, which motivates you to achieve that goal.

How to set targets

  • Double the number of employees in 24 months.
  • Have five new clients by the end of the quarter.
  • Increase revenue by 20% next year.

4. Network

We’ve written before about the importance of networking as a business tool. It can generate leads, build your personal brand, and keep you up to date with trends in your industry. Networking allows people to put a face to a name, to get to know you on a personal level, and means you’re more than an email address. This all builds trust and confidence.

Networking allows people to put a face to a name, to get to know you on a personal level, and means you’re more than an email address.

How to begin networking

  • Seek out events. They may be organized by your free zone or in other locations in the emirate you’re based in. Sign up for newsletters for industry bodies and make sure you attend any relevant conferences or seminars.
  • Always be prepared. Spend some time getting to know the guest list in advance to get a feel for who’s who.
  • Be social – not just professional. If the people you’re talking to sense that you’re only interested in their money, it’s a quick turn-off.
  • Be methodical. Every time you talk to someone or receive a business card, log it down so you can remember what you spoke about and who they work for – otherwise, you just might forget when you see them next.

5. Learn To Delegate Better

Learn To Delegate Better

As a study of 21st-century business practices notes, “delegation of authority is good for the leader, the manager, and the follower as well as for the organization.” Delegating business tasks offers multiple benefits – it frees you up to focus on more pressing matters, allows you to ‘see the wood for the trees, and lets you think more strategically.

How to delegate more effectively

  • Decide if the task can indeed be delegated. Given the correct information and some guidance, is there anyone in your business that has the skills and experience to do this task instead of you? If so, hand over the reins to them.
  • Provide clear expectations. Let the individual know what your expected outcomes are, the time frame you need the task done in, and let them know when to come to you for help.
  • Be direct. If the work delivered simply doesn’t hit the mark, give constructive feedback so the individual can learn. On the other hand, if the work is done well, ensure you give the employee praise.

The habits for success

Being a better all-rounder in business is, as much as anything, about developing healthy habits which will enhance your career and make you a more effective business leader. Practice these habits every day, and you’ll be set.

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